Friday, December 2, 2011

Success of the Occupy Movement Using Social Media

The Occupy Wall Street Movement is a protest movement geared toward democracy. It began with a tweet by the Canadian activist group Adbusters that suggested a Sept. 17 march in New York City.

Protestors believe Wall Street played a part in the economic crisis that began the 2008 Recession. Their slogan, "We are the 99%" refers to the vast concentration of wealth among the top 1 percent of income earners. They believe 99 percent of people are paying the price for the mistakes of 1 percent.

Since the first tweet was sent out a social revolution began amongst the protesters. They use social sites like Facebook, Twitter, blogs, wikis, Web pages and Youtube to get their message around the world. According to The New York Times 1.7 million occupy movement vidoes have been created with 73 million views, more than 400 Facebook pages and dozens of new wikis and Web pages.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Penn State vs. Nebraska

Today was anything, but normal at home for the Paterno family. People passing by stopped for a moment of silence as well left flowers at the door. Jay Paterno prepares to leave for the Penn State vs. Nebraska game without his father Joe Paterno. Joe sends a letter to his players asking them to play the game and not think about him.
Jay enters the field at Beaver Stadium for the first time in over 46 years without his father. This was a game filled with mixed emotions. People were sad for the victims as well as angry that Joe could not be there. Banners were hung in the parking lot of the stadium to show support for Joe that said “We love you Joe! Thanks for all the memories.” Fans lined the sidewalks to cheer and give the players high fives as they exited the bus going into the stadium.

The game started with players from both teams, coaches and staff taking a knee in center field to pray for the victims and their families.  While some fans looked on as running backs coach Ron Brown led the prayer, others were crying. Blue ribbons were hung throughout the stadium and Penn State players and fans wore blue to show their support for the child-abuse victims.

With Penn State facing their final time out the band plays “Fight On, State” encouraging the defense to stop the Conhuskers, who are facing a third-and-3. Penn State calls its final timeout with 1:39 remaining on the clock. They were able to stop Nebraska on third down then timeout was called by Nebraska.

With 49 seconds remaining Nebraska is leading 17-14. Penn State stops Rex Burkhead’s fourth down short of a first down.

Penn State takes over at their 29 yard line, but time runs out as an incomplete was thrown by Matt McGloin in the game’s final play.

Despite the weeks devastating news for Penn State of Joe Paterno’s firing and the sexual molestation charges against Sandusky they gave a good fight, but was defeated 17-14 by Nebraska.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Connecting Soicial Media Sites

To maitain business relationships through social networking sites takes a lot of time and energy. A great way to maximize your time is by connecting sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Other advantages of connecting your social media sites are amplifying your article writing and marketing efforts according to Enzine Article. Also, you can increase your investments as well as tripple your production with every tweet or post.

Integrating these sites also comes with its disadvantages. You have to be careful of what you post on your Twitter and Facebook accounts because LinkedIn is intented only for professional use. Posting things too personal could affect you finding a job and the amout of professional connections you make.

Twitter and Facebook are a faster pace than LinkedIn, says Jan Vermeiren, founder of Networking Coach. LinkedIn is used in a different way and can be frustrating to the younger generation who may tweet 20 or more times a day and enjoy a faster pace.

LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can be very beneficial when integrated, but make sure tweets and posts are professional for all three. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Using The POST Method For a Successful Business Plan

The POST method consist of the people, objective, strategy and technology. According to Groundswell a successful business plan starts by asking the following four questions: What are your customers ready for (people); what is your goal (objective); how do you want relationships with your customers to change (strategy); and what applications should you use (technology)?

Paramount Pictures pictures was challenged with a modest budget for their movie "Super 8" in a summer full of huge blockbusters. They were hoping for a huge turnout opening weekend.

Paramount applied the POST method by first figuring out what their viewers were ready for by exclusively announcing early screening a full day in advance of the premiere. Their objective was to quickly increase awareness and ramp-up box office results for opening weekend. The strategy was for viewers of the early screening to promote the movie through word of mouth and other social media sites. The technology Paramout used was tweet combined with a Promoted Trend to announce the early screening which ignited conversation. A second Promoted Trend was used the day of the movie's premiere to keep the buzz and excitement high.

Using the POST method and The New Rules of Marketing & PR by allowing their viewers to participate, Paramount reached a vast number of people and their opening weekend was a success. The twitter exclusive sneak  previews generated $1 million in box office receipts and receipts for the opening weekend surpassed expectations by 52 percent.

Also through a tweet, Paramount could have directed viewers back to their website to give feedback of the movie's early screening.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Did You Know You Could Use LinkedIn For Improving Your Google PageRank

LinkedIn allows you to make your profile information available for search engines to index. Since LinkedIn profiles receive a fairly high PageRank in Google, this is a good way to influence what people see when they search for you.

To do this, create a public profile and select “Full View.” Also, instead of using the default URL, customize your public profile’s URL to be your actual name. To strengthen the visibility of this page in search engines, use this link in various places on the web> For example, when you comment in a blog, include a link to your profile in your signature.

Read more:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Fallen Star

October 5, 2011 was a sad day for a lot of Apple users hearing about the loss of Steve Jobs. He was the driving force behind Macintosh, iPhone and iPad. He will be greatly missed and forever remembered for his contributions to society. Everyone has a beginning and end and sadly his end came way to soon at the age of 56. 

Jobs's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives.

My heart goes out to his family and all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Broadcast News Industry

The broadcast news industry is becoming more opinionated such as news programs like FoxNews, MSNBC and CNN. A good broadcast journalist will stay true to SPJ Code of Ethics and know how to give the public what they want without crossing the line and becoming bias.

As a broadcast journalist you will work for the public interest-gain trust and credibility, provide fresh news, extol core values of the SPJ Code of Ethics, utilize professional tools to offer value and embrace transparency.

Allowing the public to interact through social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others) is a vast portion of today's broadcast news industry.

At its best… good TV journalism is about telling important stories by introducing us to interesting people and making us care about what happens to them.

Carla Golden is co-pastor at Unity Church of Indianapolis.                  Golden worked her way through college at The Playboy Club.
Carla Golden is co-pastor at                   Golden worked her way through

Unity Church of Indianapolis.                  college at the The Playboy Club.
Through my internship, I had the opportunity to participate in the interview of Rev. Carla Golden, a former Playboy bunny.