Friday, November 11, 2011

Connecting Soicial Media Sites

To maitain business relationships through social networking sites takes a lot of time and energy. A great way to maximize your time is by connecting sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Other advantages of connecting your social media sites are amplifying your article writing and marketing efforts according to Enzine Article. Also, you can increase your investments as well as tripple your production with every tweet or post.

Integrating these sites also comes with its disadvantages. You have to be careful of what you post on your Twitter and Facebook accounts because LinkedIn is intented only for professional use. Posting things too personal could affect you finding a job and the amout of professional connections you make.

Twitter and Facebook are a faster pace than LinkedIn, says Jan Vermeiren, founder of Networking Coach. LinkedIn is used in a different way and can be frustrating to the younger generation who may tweet 20 or more times a day and enjoy a faster pace.

LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can be very beneficial when integrated, but make sure tweets and posts are professional for all three. 

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